Duke of Ed @ Northpine
This site provides information about the International Duke of Edinburgh (Duke of Ed.) Award as it is run at Northpine. Northpine is a registered operator with the program.
What is the INTERNATIONAL Duke of Edinburgh (duke of Ed) Award?
A life-changing experience.
A fun time with friends.
An opportunity to discover new interests and talents.
A tool to develop essential skills for life and work.
A recognised mark of achievement; respected by employers.
Achieve credit points towards your QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) - 1 point for Bronze and Silver and 2 points for Gold.
The Duke of Ed is many things to many people, supporting generations to navigate adult life successfully.
14-24 year-olds can do a Duke of Ed program at one of three progressive levels, which, when completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold International Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Four sections will be completed at Bronze and Silver levels and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.
Any young person can do their Duke of Ed – regardless of ability, gender, background or location. Achieving the Duke of Ed isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries.
Through a Duke of Ed program, young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life, such as resilience, problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and drive, as well as enhanced CVs and uni and job applications. Top employers recognise the work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business.
Northpine is a Duke of Ed licensed organisation that works with young people to run their personal Duke of Ed program. Through Northpine, young people (or their parents/carers) pay for a registration fee and are supported by leaders who support them through their programs, helping them choose their activities, set their objectives, and achieve their goals.
You can learn more about the program by checking out the links below to the official Award sites in Queensland and Australia.
Check out this promotional website: Be your Own Champion!
Check out "Is doing the Duke of Ed worth it?" in Mumlyfe - For mums of older kids.
A letter at the bottom of this page is supplied to all who want to know how the Award works at Northpine. If you need more information, please contact Darryl Hobson or Colin Wilson.
ALL participants will need to use the Online Record Book (ORB). Use the link at the top of this page to set up an account or log into the ORB.
The Award Journey - There is more in you then you think!
Camps and Events for 2025
Fees for 2025
The Queensland Award Operating Authority (AOA) would like to advise that there will be a slight increase in fees (by the Government Indexation rate only) for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (Duke of Ed) program from 1 January 2025, as outlined in the table below:
More information about how to apply for the Award can be found on the QLD Award website here:- https://www.qld.gov.au/youth/be-involved-have-your-say/youth-programs/duke-of-ed/duke-of-ed-start/duke-of-ed-apply
Duke of Edinburgh Queensland Website
National Duke of Edinburgh Website
The Duke of Edinburgh Handbook
The Queensland Duke of Edinburgh Award Office is on Facebook
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