Activity Ideas

From time to time there are some great ideas that are worth sharing with others about what can be done for the "Skill", Physical Recreation" or "Service" section of the Award. 

To kick start this off check out this opportunity from AFL Queensland.

AFL Queensland - complete all three or any part of the Dukes Award

AFL Queensland will offer education, training and support for Duke of Ed participants who wish to explore the role of umpiring. Umpiring will allow Duke of Ed participants to deepen their understanding of the game and also teaches them crucial decision-making, communication, and conflict resolution skills.

Not only does this partnership support the AFL by attracting new umpires and retaining existing umpires, but it also provides a pathway for Duke of Ed participants to complete up to three of their Award sections: Physical Recreation, Skills and Voluntary Service.

If your interested in learning more about how umpiring with AFL Queensland can benefit your Duke of Ed participants – please head to the AFL Queensland website.   

Activity Ideas
